Web-site checklist:
- Made in WordPress
- System requirements: How much server resources needed and how many simultaneous users can connect:
- Opportunity to connect online chat (price agreed)
- Opportunity to connect online chage (price agreed)
- Opportunity to connect blog (price agreed)
- Opportunity to integrate with LinkedIn and Face book (price agreed)
- Opportunity to connect to Google+, YouTube and other not yet used social network (price agreed)
- SEO optimised (Google Page Speeed and other Google testing tools)
- Loads quickly
- Optimised for major browsers
- MS Explorer
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Opera
- Firefox
- Responsive design. Looks decently on smartphones.
- We can update it easily
- Edit inside existing pages
- Format font size, paragraph spacing, lists, tables, show more/less buttons, etc
- Insert pictures
- Create new pages
- Create/ delete top and bottom menu items
- Edit 404 error page
- Click on logo brings to the main page
- Convenient field entrance request
- Shows what obligatory information is not inputted
- Keeps inputted info if not submitted
- Address line should look logically, deleting part of address to closest “/” puts on higher hierarchy level. (Nr. 49 of www.artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo)
- All urls should use English words and be meaningful not www.a2b.lv/?q=%E8….
- Oportunity to change design of drop-down menu
- Language selector – changes to the same page not to the main page
- Printing optimized design
- No menus
- Black on white
- No/gray images – save ink
- Menu does not shrink to an icon on average width of browser
- Contact form works
- In contacts: Google Map shows our location
Concept checklist:
- Very useful for PNC (Potentional New Clients), Clients and job/internship seekers
- Clear
- Gives true impression of who we are
- Professional
- Seeking to reach Client’s goals
- Trustworthy
- Spirit to serve
- Pro-active
- Client centered
- What does the Client look for when he visits the site. Give it to him straight away.
- Blue, orange and black colors
Layout checklist:
- Contents of bottom menu
- Layout of inner pages
- Web site map
- Layout of pages to where links go from the main block and highlights block on the main page
Design checklist:
- Sample, how looks menu item when coursor moved over it.
- Sample, how looks a link item when coursor is moved over it
- Exact look of main page and iner page with actual text in it and actual pictures.
- How visited links will look
- Single line spacing
- Design of show more/show less buttons
- All links should be blue and underlined
- “Client” is capitalised, because we respect and value our Clients very very (very) much.