Questions and tasks

Current questions and tasks

ID01. How to see list of invalid elements in tinyMCE and change it?

Current status: Partly solved.

While in site development state I want to prevent Wordpress from removing my html code.

I have found that code removal functinality is included in tinyMCE editor and there is a function that allows to set up valid elements that are not removed.

I have found TinyMCE editor in wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php

It looks like I have to add the following code somewhere:

tinyMCE.init({ extended_valid_elements : " /* Elements go here */"})

In the beginning, I want to enable tabs characther, since I write the code in Notepad++ first and copy it to Editor.

Question 1. Where can I see the list of invalid characters that TinyMCE uses so I know what to include in the valid elements list?

Question 2. Where shall I put the code above? Or maybe another code is needed?

I have read instructions in from where I understood the above, but I do not understand how to practically implement this.

I understand only basics, so please give very exact step-by-step instructions.

ID02. How to stop Wordpress checking for updates

We want to develop an intranet site based on WordPress that will be hosted on our local server. What Wordperss files shall we edit and in order to completely stop Wordpress checking for updates and connecting to any internet site without us knowing?

The task is not only to disable WordPress updates but completely remove the code that goes out to internet and checks for updates. There should be no even notifications that updates are available.

Task 1. Edit current default WordPress version's files (we will give you FTP access) in order to completely remove code that goes out to Internet.

Task 2. Provide step-by-step instructions how to edit current default WordPress version's files in order to completely remove code that goes out to Internet.

Important! We do not want to disable checking for updates. We want to completely completely remove all code that even tries to go out to internet. This means editing WP core files.

ID03. Propose better design for inner pages

The design for inner pages, e.g., in the Careers section is too boring and not easy to read. One of the reasons is that on wide screens the area is too wide. Also, it is not convenient to navidgate, so a side menu is needed to show pages available under the Careers section (same contents as shown when you hoover on Career in the top meny).

Please provide a concept for design of Inner pages in Carreers section with side menu.

ID04. Propose better design for dropdown menu

The design of inner pages seems to look not very professional.

Please provide professional desing for top menu and dropdown menu or confirm that it is very good as it is.

ID05. Make setups that only registered users can access the site contents

For our internal site that will contain the Business Process Management System (BPMS) we need to restrict access only to registered users.

Task 1. Provide consultation by skype on the risks of unauthorised access to the site contents (5 - 15 minutes).

Task 2. Make setups that only registered users can access the site contents.

Task 3. Provide step-by-step instructions how to do that on another site.

ID06. Make basic functionality for absence log

Currently we write on the whiteboard name, time and reason for absences. We want to implement this functionality in the BPMS. We need that on the internal web page every employee can see table of absences.

sample absence log

By clicking on the table employees can edit any current absence information or add new absence information.

We understand that in order to do that the following tasks should be completed:

  1. Create a new table in the WordPress database: "bpss-a2b-ot-absencelog".
  2. Create columns:
    • person (text field);
    • time (text field);
    • date (date field);
    • update (boolean, Yes or No);
  3. write a plugin that displays information on the page
  4. edit homepage-e.php file to implement the functionality as follows:
    • display absences taking data from the database;
    • upon clicking on any row it is possible to edit data in the row and save it to the database;
    • clicking on "+ Add absence" it is possible to add new absence information;
    • the system displays absences for today and tomorrow and automatically moves the absences from tomorrow to today when the day change.

The following table has been created:

sample absence log database table

ID07. Make class for database contents output and edit

See detailed description.

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